Interactive Bingo For Zoom

Start running your own virtual bingo game in less than two minutes.Our virtual bingo system is the most popular in the world because it's so quick and easy to use.

It's totally free to run a game for up to 30 players, and prices start at $10 for more players.Check out a demo:

Our virtual bingo system is packed with features and includes everything you need to run a virtual bingo game:

  • Randomized bingo cards
  • Bingo caller
  • Automated winner verification
  • Tools to send out virtual bingo links to players
  • Virtual bingo cards that can be played on-sreen or printed
  • One fun activity that can easily be done over Zoom is playing a game of Bingo! Everyone prints-out their own unique sheet and you then use a bag full of the numbers or a randomizer application on the internet to call-out the Bingo spots, playing until someone wins and yells, 'Bingo!'
  • Bingo is a pretty easy and fun game! When the numbers 1-90 are called at random, you mark the number off your bingo flyer/s. All bingo flyers will have all 90 numbers on them & each vertical row will have the 10s, 20s,30s, and so on.

There are a million different variations of Bingo if you don’t want to play the classic way —drinking Bingo, TV show or movie Bingo, and so much more. You and your friends can make your own boards. Zoom Bingo Bingo is one of the more popular video conference games at the moment. That's because the game transitions well to the virtual setting and is conducive to both large and small groups. Here is a free Zoom Bingo Board you can use: To play Bingo games over Zoom, distribute the game board and then encourage your coworkers to track their progress throughout the virtual conference call. The first player to complete a row gets a prize. Zoom Bingo is a version of Online Team Building Bingo.

All bingo cards made on can be played virtually.

Our virtual bingo games are totally free for up to 30 players.For more than 30 players our prices start at $10 for 100 bingo cards, which gives access to our virtual bingo system for 31 days.

To get started right away with our bingo card generator choose an option below:

  • 1-75 Number Bingo (American style)
  • 1-90 Number Bingo (UK style)
We also have a number of ready-made bingo games that you can explore and customize.

If you want more info before you get started then read on to find out more about our bingo card generator and our virtual bingo system.

How to use our bingo card generator

If you haven't used it before then please watch this video showing how to use our bingo card generator to make 1-75, 1-90 or any other type of bingo cards.

How to send out virtual bingo cards

We offer several methods to send out virtual bingo cards to your players.Paid-for bingo games include a tool to automatically send out links to a list of email addresses you provide.

How to call your bingo game

Everyone gets free access to our amazing bingo caller. The caller picks out the next call for you to read out, and can also be used to check if a player has won.Watch this video to see how it works.

Our free bingo cards come with three different call sequences so you can play three different games of bingo using our caller.

Paid-for bingo cards for more than 30 players come with 100 call sequences, and include the ability to call the bingo yourself in any order you want.The caller is available for 31 days from the date of purchase.


Frequently Asked Questions

Does every player get a different bingo card?
For paid games we guarantee that each player will get a different bingo card.For free games played using the 'Virtual Link' it is possible that two players will get the same bingo card.However even if each player has a different bingo card it is still possible for two people to get 'bingo' on the same call.

You should plan for what to do in case several people win on the same call,e.g. by having enough prizes for several winners, a prize that can be shared, or by giving the prize to the player who responded with 'bingo' first.

Can players use the same card again?
Yes. Each virtual bingo card can be reset by the player, and can be reused as many times as you like (for up to 31 days for paid-for bingo cards).Watch this video to see a demo.

Can I send more than one bingo card per player?
Yes, you can send up to 20 bingo card links at a time to each player. If you need to send more you can repeat the process.

How do I verify that someone has won?
Ask the player for their Bingo Card ID and enter it into our card verifier. You will see what that player's card should look like at the current call.Watch a demo here.The system works with any winning pattern - you can immediately see if a card is a winner just by looking at it.

Can I add more bingo cards?
Yes. If your game turns out to be more popular than expected you can add more bingo cards.Watch this video to see how.A discount of 20% is automatically applied.You must add the new cards from within the set you want to add them to - do not simply buy a new set of bingo cards.

Can I get more than 500 bingo cards?
Yes. Start by buying 500 bingo cards, then add more bingo cards to the set. You can add 100, 250 or 500 cards at a time.See the previous question for help adding more cards.

Can I use your site for a fundraiser?
Maybe. It's essential that you read the disclaimer section of our terms before you consider charging players for a bingo game.If you do go ahead, Ticket Tailor are currently offering free ticketing for online events.

How To Do Bingo On Zoom

Can you play bingo and listen to Zoom on the same device?
Yes - on the devices we have tested. On most mobiles and tablets it's possible to have Zoom, WhatsApp, etc running in the background while the browser is open.So you can listen to the bingo calls and mark your card on the same device. We cannot guarantee this will work on all devices.

How To Play Virtual Bingo On Zoom

Can you play several virtual bingo cards at once?
Yes. This works on computers, tablets and mobiles. Watch this video for a demonstration.

Can players print virtual bingo cards?
Yes. Players can choose which bingo cards to print and what size to print them. Watch this video to see how it works.

Do I get printable bingo cards too?
Yes. With all games you get access to run a virtual bingo game andyou can download a single PDF file with bingo cards to print off for an in‑person game.

With free bingo cards, depending on how you share the cards, players might be able to cheat by opening several bingo cards in different tabs. If it's important that your players can't cheat then choose a paid option.

Does the virtual bingo game expire?
Paid-for bingo games expire 31 days after the date of purchase, which should give you plenty of time to play your bingo games.If you want to keep playing after 31 days you can extend your virtual bingo cards - watch this video to see how.Free virtual bingo games do not expire - just make sure you bookmark or save the link to the bingo caller so you can come back to it.

Interactive Bingo For Zoom

The New Normal Calls for Icebreakers! Zoom Icebreakers!

As 2020 continues on, virtual meetings have become a normal part of many people’s work life. Many of us have experienced online meetings to be dull and unenergetic, with many video screens off. Staying focused and engaged can be difficult. This is where Zoom icebreakers can help get your meetings off to a good start with your virtual team! Even if you’re not using Zoom, try these out regardless of the virtual meeting platform you’re using.

At Summit, we have spent the past two decades designing innovative activities and programs that energize and engage our clients, and we have a reputation for delivering team experiences that break the mold. Given the current circumstances, we have put our heads together to discover and create new zoom icebreakers that work well in virtual team environments. These icebreakers are energizers that can be used to boost your online team meetings if you use Zoom or not.

1. Raise Your Hand

Get to know each other in a new way. During this icebreaker, one person reads a list of statements of varying experiences or values (such as raise your hand if you’ve gone skydiving, were a star athlete in high school, prefer dogs over cats, etc…). If its true of them, participants will raise their hands or use the raise hand button on your virtual platform.


Hint: Make your list as varied, light-hearted, and fun as possible. You might discover some unusual facts, talents, and preferences of your co-workers.

2. Guess Who?

Before the meeting, have participants send you 1 or 2 unique, interesting, fun, and true facts about themselves that others might not know. The facilitator can mix up the order and read each of the fun facts to the group. The objective for the team will be to try to connect each fun fact to the correct participant. If your virtual platform has a polling feature, it can be a fun way to do this – give 5 names as options to choose for each fun fact. Alternatively, possible choices can be put on a presentation screen and while sharing your screen, participants can stamp annotate their choice. Each person can keep track of how many they get correct to determine who knows the team best.

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3. A GIF is Worth 1000 Words

Finding the perfect GIF can be worth a thousand words. They are a great way of injecting humour and creativity into an online meeting. Send participants into breakout rooms of 3-4 people with a phrase or statement that can be summed up with the perfect GIF. Teams will need to know how to share their screens with each other as they search and then show their GIF to the rest of the team when they return to the main room. Example phrases to find a team GIF could be…

  • How we feel when the doorbell rings
  • What good leadership looks like
  • How we look when we dance
  • How we feel on Friday afternoon (or Monday morning)

If you have a smaller team, each individual can find a GIF that…

  • Describes their personality
  • Describes their ideal team culture

This is one of our favourite zoom icebreakers that works with other online virtual meeting platforms as well.

4. Recent Photo Story

Have participants pull up the Photos app on their phone and look at the 3rd most recent photo they took. Each person can share their photo, and briefly tell the story behind it. This is a great way to get participants to share how they’ve been spending their time and in getting to know each other.

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5. Word Recap

Use an online whiteboard for team members to either annotate text one word per person that describes any number of things. For example, you could ask people to describe their last week/month, current team atmosphere, what they appreciate most about the team, how their day is going, what mood our customers in, etc… It is a quick way to start a discussion about culture, detect possible shifts in the atmosphere, and reasons to appreciate each other. A word cloud generator is another great tool to facilitate this activity.

6. Birthday Lineup Icebreaker

How To Make Bingo Fun Over Zoom

The objective is for participants to determine and write down on a piece of paper what number they think they are when they consider their birthday compared to their teammates birthdays in chronological order from January 1-December 31 (no, the year does not matter!). For instance, if there 10 participants, and I believe that my birthday will be the 7th to occur in calendar year, I will write down a 7 on a sheet of paper. The facilitator will explain the objective as well as share the golden rules which are: no speaking, cannot use the chat feature or text/call each other, and writing your birthday on paper or phone and holding it up to the screen is not allowed. Give the team a set amount of time (depends on the size of the group). Once time is up, participants will reveal what number they wrote down at the same time, and from 1-10 (or whatever number of people you have) share their birthday to see if they got the order right.

7. Ying Yang

How to bingo on zoom

A fun way to get to know more about the team is to have two seemingly opposites along a continuum line and have participants place themselves along the line using annotate stamp or by drawing on a whiteboard. Pairs such as planner/spontaneous, think before I speak/speak as I think, introvert/extrovert can be a welcome break to an otherwise one-side presentation and is a way to maintain engagement with your audience or team. You can make your pairs relevant to what you are talking about. Ying Yang can also be inserted into a PowerPoint and can be done all at once or as a quick breather throughout a meeting.

8. Bon Appétit

Give participants 30-60 seconds to determine the most interesting yet useful app on their phone. Then, have each participant share their app with the rest of the group. This can be done verbally if you have a smaller team or in the group chat if you have a larger team. Make sure someone is tracking responses, and the facilitator can send out the list of essential apps to the entire team. Alternatively, in place of apps, you can also do this activity with books, recipes, movies, and more!

Get Your Personal Copy Plus Two Bonus Icebreakers and Facilitator Tips

Interactive Bingo For Zoom Recordings

Get a PDF version of these Zoom icebreakers plus two more along with tips on how to facilitate virtual team meetings

We’re Here to Help

Zoom Meeting Bingo Card

At Summit, even though we haven’t been able to be with teams in person for a while due to public health restrictions, we are able to support teams virtually with various team and leadership development modules and a few of our team building programs. If you just want to plan to have a fun break with your team and contribute to the care of your team’s well-being or grow the self and team awareness and capacity, we’re here to support you! Contact us to learn more. We’ll hop on a Zoom session with you and try out a couple of these icebreakers!